Posted Date: 05/08/2024
Public Notice of Intent to Apply for Federal Grant Funds
Hawkins ISD will apply for the Federal Grants listed in the chart below for the 2024-2025 school year. The district plans to use these funds to support the intent and purpose of each grant’s program guidelines and the federal EDGAR requirements.
In accordance with federal regulations, an entity planning to submit a federal grant application must offer a reasonable opportunity for public comment on the application before it is submitted to the Texas Education Agency for approval.
This serves as public notice of the district's intention to submit federal grant applications for the following: Every Student Succeeds Act - ESSA (Title I-A (Schoolwide), Title II-A, Title III-A, and Title IV-A), IDEA-B (Special Education), and Carl D. Perkins (Career & Technology).
Public comments may be submitted by clicking this LINK. Comments will be included in the planning process for the 2024-2025 school year.
For more information, contact Stephanie McConnell at or call 903-769-2181.